How to get you children to eat their veggies
Anyone who has kids understands that it takes a lot of skill and a little finesse to get your kids to eat their veggies. Most kids would prefer to dine on a strict diet of sugary and processed goodness. Pleading seems in vain because they tune out when you say, "Please eat your vegetables. They're good for you." Lucky for me I had a mom who did not force food; instead she offered huge portions of veggies her kids liked and tried to sneak in things that we didn't. Learning her tricks of the trade helped me to cook balanced meals for my little brother, for kids that I've worked with, and for adults that prefer a Big Mac over a home cooked meal. Eating healthy is just as important for kids as it is for adults. If you or a loved one is not crazy about veggies use these tips to help any old dog develop an appreciation for the veggies and all the nutritional value they have to offer. Don't give up on enjoyable and nutritious meals. With creativity and persistence your kids will learn to not only eat their veggies but will learn to like them too.
Number One Lesson- Start Early
Number Two Lesson- Make Veggies a Treat, or add fruit to cereal, yogurt and Jell-O
Number Three Lesson- Become a Great Example